
Leanna's story
Leanna’s story
For Leanna and her toddler, Harley, using the alarm system is so easy, it’s child’s play. 

Trudy's story
Trudy’s story
For Trudy, maintaining her independence is vital, which is why her Life24 alarm is so important to her.

Mr Marson's story
Mr Marson story
For Mr Marson, his Life24 pendant brings him reassurance that help is on hand should he need it.
Richard's story
Richard’s story
People assume it’s for older people, yet Richard is only 38. Anyone of any age that has a disability can use the Life24 service.
Jo's story
Jo’s story
It would have been a very different story without Life24.

Ron's story
Ron’s story
For Ron, his Life24 system acts as a safety net, and thankfully while he’s not needed to use it yet.

Joan's story
Joan’s story
Without the service, I feel I would become more depressed.

Mary's story
Mary’s story
Mary lives on her own and found out just how important the Life24 service can be when she had a fall.